I’m a Senior Data Scientist, working on Privacy Enhancing Technologies at the Data Science Campus (profile) of the UK Office for National Statistics. Prior to joining the ONS, I worked at the Department for Education as an Economic Adviser.
Before joining the civil service, I completed a PhD in statistics and conducted research in the economics of education at the University of Lancaster. Before that, I worked for several years in administrative jobs in the private and public sectors.
I live in Morecambe with my family.
Civil service code
As a civil servant, I take my responsibilities to comply with the Civil Service Code seriously. I endeavour not to express any opinions that would bring my integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality into doubt. Please get in touch if you see anything here that you think isn’t compatible with my public service role.
Website details
Some of the blog posts on this site are republished from a previous Wordpress site. Because the date of original publishing has been lost, they are published under the date when they were transferred to the archive – 3 September, 2021 – which is not the date when they were published on this site.
The website is made using the blogdown package. The theme was forked from @jrutheiser/hugo-lithium-theme and modified by Yihui Xie.